Cool forwards, Jokes, quotes, inspirational articles etc.

Monday, May 28, 2012

FW: Snippet of life

Thought of sharing the below message that I forwarded to the meditation group at office, please also read the lines below the pic.




You must have got this forward but please rethink on the lines below after you have read the message.





 Let's share as many positive & innovative thoughts as possible that we originate each day. At least one new thought during the meditation time. J


Let's give peace (peace of mind) to at least 1 soul in Office each day.


Let's not wait for the right time and date to start doing something Good, instead let's start to meditate, or read something that nourishes the soul now.


Let's wait for the time to help my family with the house hold work, enjoy making your house beautiful each day, do something different, try to live in a heavenly home J


Let's attend  some 3hrs of satsang once a month the way we plan for a movie or at least 30 minutes of meditation once every weekend


Contribute your bit to some godly services, directly or indirectly in your own capacity, with your own free will, you will see the satisfaction of doing something for GOD. J



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